Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For more than 20 years, Techno Fog, in partnership with SaniChem, offers the acclaimed SaniSystem for the control of viruses such as Coronavirus (COVID-19), bacteria and fungus. This contemporary area decontamination system is twofold. It includes using a thermal fogger or ULV machine to generate a mist or fog of tiny droplets of our leading disinfectant SaniGuard, and also a simplified version through the use of SF SaniFog Disinfectant Aerosol Fogger in a pressurised can, with two different triggers.

Both SaniGuard and SF SaniFog are a novel patented modification of DDAC designed to be atomised, creating a fog or mist in the environment. Common DDAC is a known molecule that easily kills Coronavirus (COVID-19). The unique synthesis of the active ingredient in SaniGuard and SF SaniFog has dramatically boosted the efficacy of the standard DDAC molecule to a point where high pathogen kill rates are attained at low toxicity rates, thus creating a versatile package of applications.

The SaniSystem can significantly reduce the number of pathogens both on surfaces and in the air. The fog or mist droplets float throughout the treated area for long periods. It can settle underneath, on top of and on the sides of furniture, equipment and objects that are hard to reach or inaccessible using conventional cleaning methods. It also quickly and thoroughly reaches a broader range of surfaces, in small or large areas, than the manual cleaning. The swift treatment of large areas in a short space of time helps to quickly break the chain of the infection.

It is vital to take steps to ensure that the public and private areas of corporations and private residences are not only clean but disinfected. More than ever, it is a critical task for institutions and organisations to create a healthy and safe personal and working environment, reducing the potential community transmission pathologies, promoting health and the trust of the customers and employees.

The use of SaniSystem is a powerful strategy for fast environmental decontamination, securing the protection of health. It is efficient, quick and easy to apply in a wide range of markets, including shopping centres, offices, hospitals, clinics, restaurants, vehicles, hotels, residential homes, governmental buildings and many more.

SaniSystem is a tested and proven method. Numerous companies in several sectors from around the world successfully use our disinfection systems for years.


SF Sanifog is a novel DDAC that easily kills Coronavirus (COVID-19). It is an area disinfectant which has been widely used for the disinfection of hospitals, clinics, office buildings, restaurants, shops, schools, houses, gyms, movie theatres, governmental institutions and much more.

SF SaniFog is a ready-to-use highly effective disinfectant and yet presents very low toxicity. It is the least toxic disinfectant in the market. SF Sanifog is only as corrosive as water.

The SF-Sanifog Disinfectant Aerosol Fogger comes in a pressurised can and has a dual aerosol trigger. The full dispersion trigger, once locked, will release the entire content of the can, producing a very fine aerosol mist. The fog/mist will reach all areas of the environment, offering total protection. The conventional spray trigger can be used to disinfect specific and punctual sections or minimal areas, offering a practical option to the most variable situations.

The efficacy of fogging, ULV misting, and aerosol fogging application methods are unparalleled to any other means of disinfectant application. It easily reaches the most challenging areas to be disinfected.


SaniGuard is also a novel patented modification of DDAC. It was developed to be atomised via a Thermal fog or ULV machine. Common DDAC is a known molecule that easily kills Coronavirus. The unique synthesis of the active ingredient in SaniGuard has dramatically increased the efficacy of the standard DDAC molecule to a point where high pathogen kill rates are attained at low toxicity rates, thus creating a versatile package of applications.

The formulation of SaniGuard includes bio-oil mixtures. The mixture of bio-oils is an essential component for the efficacy of the thermal fogging or misting system enabling for an extended period of flotation, providing maximum contact time and further reach, thus higher killing rates.

SaniGuard is effective against all groups of pathogens (bacteria, virus and fungus). All tests were certified and conducted using internationally accepted codes of laboratory practices (CLP).

SaniGuard’s technical active was extensively tested against a wide range of naked viruses. The naked viruses, such as Parvovirus, Circoviruses, Reoviruses, Adenoviruses and Birnaviruses, are widely regarded as the most challenging viruses to kill. SaniGuard is effective against all of these viruses.

SaniGuard is also effective against several enveloped viruses which is generally much more susceptible to the action of disinfectants than the highly resistant naked viruses. SaniGuard is highly effective against Coronavirus (COVID-19), Orthomyxoviruses (Influenza virus) and Paramyxovirus (Newcastle disease virus)


The Sani Nova – Portable, Electric ULV Mister, is a robust machine built for both domestic and heavy-duty commercial use.

The design of Sani Nova offers easiness of service and maintenance with minimal tools required to dis-assemble and re-assemble. Major components, including electrical, can be stripped in the field, by hand.

The Sani Nova is constructed with strong chemically resistant highgrade virgin HD polyethylene. It has a powerful 700 W Samsung motor and also a 1330 W Samsung motor. It has an internal heat shield, that dramatically reduces air friction heat to motor/nozzle housing, and only brass fittings (no plastic bolts/nuts).

Sani Nova is the perfect ULV machine choice for the SaniSystem. It is light, versatile and easy to use yet sturdy and robust. The Sani Nova is undoubtedly the best machine in its category.

Thermal foggers such as TF100, TF200, TF300 and TF 500 are also extensively used with SaniGuard for area decontamination. The machine choice will depend on the particularities of the area to be treated.


Viru Fog is a portable, lightweight and versatile electric ULV (Ultra Low Volume) machine, also known as Cold fogger. The machine is extensively used in the SaniSystem for applications of SaniGuard in clinics, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, office blocks, vehicles, residences and many more for the control of viruses such as Coronavirus (COVID-19), bacteria, such as salmonella and fungus.

Viru Fog offers a powerful 1100 W single-phase motor that is straightforward to operate. It has a silent operation, being ideal for applications in areas where sound and exhaust fumes must be at a minimum.

The machine has a blow moulded tank produced from robust materials offering longevity of operation. The operation of Viru Fog is straightforward, and it requires uncomplicated service maintenance.

Viru Fog is one of the machines of choice for the SaniSystem performing full area decontamination quickly and efficiently for the control of several pathologies, offering a safe environment.


The SaniSystem can significantly reduce the number of pathogens both on surfaces and in the air. The fog droplets float in the treated area for long periods. It can settle underneath, on top of and on the sides of furniture, equipment and objects that are hard to reach or inaccessible using conventional cleaning methods. It also quickly and thoroughly reaches a broader range of surfaces, in small or large areas, than the manual cleaning. The swift treatment of large areas in a short space of time helps to break the chain of the infection quickly.

Our comprehensive range of machines allows for the thorough disinfection of small places or extensive areas with the same impressive efficiency and efficacy.

The use of SaniSystem is a powerful strategy of fast environmental decontamination. It is efficient, quick and easy to apply in a wide range of markets, including shopping centres, offices, educational institutions, governmental buildings, hotels, residential homes, and many more.

SaniSystem is a tested and proven system. Numerous companies in several sectors from around the world use our disinfection methods. SaniChem's engineers have carefully developed the SaniSystem, using the expertise of more than 20 years in specialised chemicals, fogging machines and area decontamination.

Techno Fog

Plot 942
Vanderbijlpark – 1910
South Africa

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Techno fog Africa, fogging machines, misting machines and ULV machines